Bonus rounds are a modern inclusion in contemporary online slot machine games that allow players not only to enjoy playing their favorite slots, but give an added thrill and opportunity to play bonus rounds that will help them win even more. The unexpected surprise of a bonus game during slot machine gaming experiences can be exciting and worth waiting for. Free slot machines with bonus rounds can be a very enjoyable way to spend online gaming time.
A bonus feature, sometimes called a bonus game or a bonus round, is typically unlocked in some manner during a regular spin. Different games have different ways to trigger the particular game’s bonus feature. Most often a player needs to spin a specific combination of symbols in order for the bonus game to be triggered in a free slot machine game. Most slots will be very specific in instructing the player on what combinations will open up the bonus feature in the pay table area or in the rules area.
Today’s modern 3D slots or video slots are most commonly the types of free slot machine games online that offer bonus features. Some of the bonus features are actually mini-games that follow the theme or storyline of the slot itself. Others will feature a “pick your prize” format where multiple items (treasure chests, flags, etc.) will show up on the screen and the player chooses one to reveal their bonus prize. Some of the bonus features require more skill, rather than just luck, however. There are intricate bonus feature games that are won simply by skill alone on some slot games.
There are many advantages to online slot games with bonus features. First, it allows a break-up of the flow of the game. This can be quite helpful for a player who has been playing a free slot machine for hours and may be getting slightly bored with the format of spin after spin, without change. Secondly, it gives the player something to look forward to. If a player knows a bonus feature is a possibility, often they will play longer, trying to activate that bonus feature, instead of simply growing tired of the monotony of a game without a bonus possibility. Thirdly, a bonus feature can help players gain larger prizes. Bonus features can take a very inexpensive spin and turn it into a massive prize.