Bovada Online Casino, famous for the state art games and extensive sports betting, decides to spice up the pot with the recent addition of Multi-Hand Blackjack. This popular game of 21 allows players to play up to three hands per round. Taking its cues from the regular six-deck blackjack, players can now choose how many hands they wish to play along with how much they care to wager for each hand. Once you received your cards, its all on you to choose whether to hit or to stand down. Another unique aspect to Multi-Hand Blackjack is the ability to split hands or to double down. Bovada’s new Multi-Hand Blackjack comes fully optimized for both desktops and mobile devices.
With the ability to wager on both professional and collegiate sports, Bovada Casino also has an extensive horse racing section. Not to be overlooked are the numerous and generous sports promotions.