Ultimate 10X Slot At Miami Club Casino Pays Out Huge 45K Prize

Ultimate 10x Wild Slots

Miami Club Casino made a big payout recently when Gerry M. from Dallas, Texas landed a big win on the Ultimate 10X Wild slot game. Gerry had played casino games at Miami Club Casino in the past, but was brand new to slot gaming at Miami Club. In fact, he had only had an account with the online casino for a little over a month when his giant payday came to be.

On May 3rd Gerry spent about twenty minutes on the Mega-Money Mine slot game before he decided to switch over to the brand new Ultimate 10X three reel slots, which is part of the WGS WILDX series. Gerry placed a $5 coin max bet (a total of $15), placed 40 bets, and won a few prizes. However, on his 41st spin he noticed he had a bit under $400 in his account. During this spin he landed a $ symbol, as well as two 10X Wild symbols. This took his 45x win and multiplied it by 100. In a blink of an eye, a $225 win became a $22,500 win.

While this might have been enough for many players to stop playing immediately, Gerry fearlessly took advantage of the Gamble option, which allowed him to double his original $22,500 win and come out with $45,000. "It takes some nerve to stake that kind of wager on a double or nothing, we don't see that very often", said Linda Hernandez who is the manager of Miami Club. "That's the type of moment where you wish there was a way to have everyone stand around and collectively hold their breath... then cheer when the result is positive!"

Gerry said he realized fully the weight of his gamble choice, but he also said, "Sure there were a few seconds when time kind of stopped, waiting for the wheel to stop spinning. I knew there was a lot on the line but the way I look at it, it's not my money, it's the house money. If it works, it works, and I've had a good day. If it doesn't I just don't tell anyone! Fortunately, this was my day! I'll take out some and keep playing, this place has been good for me so far!" when interviewed.

Those players who would like to try their hand at landing a giant win like Gerry did can visit Miami Club Casino. Miami Club Casino can be played on desktops, laptops, and mobile devices that support iOS, Android, and Windows.