How to Make Casino Bitcoin Deposits

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The number of online casinos that are now accepting Bitcoin is growing daily. Players are now able to visit their favorite online casinos and not only make deposits via Bitcoin, but also make Bitcoin withdrawals. While a lot of players are well versed in how to utilize Bitcoins in online casinos, some players may be a bit confused on how to get started.

What Are Bitcoins?

Bitcoin is a type of crypto-currency that is considered an open source software and payment system. It first was brought to the scene in 2009 and isn't controlled by the government. Those who use it send and receive Bitcoins via the Internet using web wallets and can purchase items for products, or use them at online casinos.

How To Get Started With Bitcoin

The first thing a person needs to do in order to start using Bitcoin is to get a Bitcoin wallet. There are web wallets and software wallets that work with Bitcoin. Web wallets are often the easiest choice to make when trying to get started with Bitcoin, but they can be less secure than others. Some of the more popular web wallets are Blockchain, Xapo, and Coinbase. They can be activated with a quick registration process. The software wallets are a bit different and require a download of a program on a computer. While they're a bit more intensive as far as the sign up goes, they are more secure overall. Software wallets that many players use include Armory, Bitcoin Core, and Multibit.

Buying Bitcoins After Registering For A Wallet

It is extremely easy to buy Bitcoins. They can be bought from people that are willing to sell them or they can be bought via different online payment methods.

Using Bitcoins At Online Casinos

Many Bitcoin users choose to use them as a payment method for shopping online. However, many online casinos also accept Bitcoins. There are many benefits in choosing to use Bitcoins at online casinos. The transaction time is extremely fast, with most transactions processed immediately. Most often a player needs to get the recipient account address from the online casino they want to play within and transfer the Bitcoins from their wallet to the address. In addition, some online casinos are choosing to offer their players additional promotions and bonuses when they use Bitcoins as their preferred deposit method in the online casino.